Sunday, January 5, 2014

Public Announcement - End of Buttlerian Spiritologie

Dear Spiritologists, dear friends,
I have been occupied in the last few months with a subject, which is of  fundamental significance and importance for everyone involved in Spiritologie.
Anyone who knows me a little knows that I never lied concerning Spiritologie, sessions or rundowns lied. All my statements on this subject were true in accordance with my personal observation and perception.
This must continue, even though this is immensely difficult for me at this time. Even I would prefer to close my eyes for my observations and let everything continue as before. However, since this would completely violate my own integrity, I decided, to publish the following statement.
Anyone who has been extensively involved with Spiritologie knows the foundations, on which it is built. These fundamentals define why we do sessions why we look for considerations and why we want to gradually improve and perfect our thinking.
The most important foundation pillar can be found in the chapter "The Spiritual Being":
"Everything - and I mean really just that, namely everything - what you perceive and experience is exactly what you, in and of himself, by your own Causal thinking created; precisely ... now!
Based on this core statement, we can now also clearly express the final objective of Spiritologie – and I assure you, it is a worthwhile one: A spiritual being that has regained full control over its causative thinking and so possesses an infinite freedom and self-determination over how it sets up its own world, its personal universe, which is to say its actual home and can decide what it will experience within it. "
In the chapter on "God defined" there are statements about the most elementary knowledge which could be confirmed in sessions repeatedly and was described as follows:
"... tracing back innumerable situations, circumstances, conditions, “coincidences”, difficulties or “strokes of fate” to before their first appearance, even to a point before the causation! Every examination established that in the beginning there was the thought! Before these causal thoughts difficulties or situations of this type did not exist! Only after the causal thought did they appear in the existence of people. I really looked very hard for any exceptions, since I wanted to be quite certain about this point of whether any different factors could have been the cause of things, before I went public with this statement. This looked for exception was not found in a single case! In the beginning there was always the thought, the concept or the idea about what is, will be or could be!”
What was worrying me was the fact that in the last two years I experienced different things, which contradicted the foundations as shown in the above statements; which meant that I did after all find exceptions to these basic statements.
If somebody applied the techniques of Spiritologie for the full one hundred percent according to the doctrine it was me of course and yet in my life circumstances occurred (relating to health and also other areas of life) which could not and “should” not have occurred; not with the awareness levels reached, verified Rundown-E/Ps etc. I was also  absolutely sure to not have put up considerations or thought patterns that could have made these circumstances arise.
And that was also exactly what came out of the sessions that I did once more review these things.
There was no consideration-loophole such as "Sometimes one may also experience the opposite”, “Even with absolute certainty something may go wrong sometimes" nor some other form of vague possibility, as it is described in the book.
And no, it was not a consideration of the type "An unwanted circumstance in life may occur despite the fact that there was no counter-consideration " or "Circumstances may arise that should not have arisen" etc., etc.
It has almost a bit tragic-comical, but some close friends, with whom I first talked about this did actually point out possible considerations of this kind to me! Of course I know that they just wanted to help, but it should be clear that I, as author of the book and the rundowns of course know all these possibilities and had taken all these possible causes into account.
When one has complete control over considerations and thought patterns, with the appropriate cognitions, awareness levels and rundown completions, and yet circumstances occur in life that completely contradict one’s own creation – and if is even confirmed by a review in sessions that one’s own creation was completely free of charge and there were no  considerations that could have had any connection with the experienced circumstances, the only choice left is to question the basic theory on which the Spiritologie is built!
That's what I did and as I said, I have never lied when it comes to Spiritologie, I meant in particular that I will never begin to do that either.
Since I can no longer with a clear conscience - from current view and state of knowledge -represent the basic statements of the book as "demonstrably and without exception" true, I renounce my declarations in support of the fundamentals described in my book Spiritologie" and in various lectures!
I can imagine very well that it is a big shock for all Spiritologists to hear such a thing from me, but I can assure you that it was for me no less a smack in the face  when I became aware of the implications of this observation.
There is no doubt that considerations and thinking in general have enormous impact on life. However Spiritologie is not based on the idea of thinking having "some influence", but it is based on that thinking is directly causing! It is based on that reality is created by considerations and patterns of thought, not on the idea that one can influence reality to some degree.
I also do not invalidate the fact that Spiritologie sessions have brought about many fantastic gains and great cognitions and are still capable of doing so, however Spiritologie was about the state of complete cause by controlling one's own thinking, not just a partial cause!
If considerations and thought patterns are not superior to time, space, matter and energy, when there are exceptions for accidents, difficulties or situations meaning when there had not been any relevant causal thought in the beginning, then it is plain and simple that the fundamentals I formulated for Spiritologie are not true, regardless of the fact that certain successes and cognitions can be obtained.
No one should basically climb a tower built by me, that is based on a rickety, shaky foundation and it is therefore that I have decided no longer to disseminate Spiritologie or to designate it as a technology for the rehabilitation of  a complete cause position concerning all areas of life, as I do not wish anyone to arrive one day to the point where I currently got to.  A point at which one must conclude that what one had believed to be true, practiced and lived with full conviction for a lifetime is different after all.
I am well aware that I bear the full responsibility for the consequences, caused by this announcement, but I prefer to have to confront, perhaps from one or the other even to be hated than that I would, from now on try to keep up appearances to shut my mouth and thus become a liar and a cheat, since I myself am no longer in agreement with the basic theory of Spiritologie.
Truth was always particularly dear to me and that's why I have decided to inform all those who have put their trust in me and integrated Spiritologie into their lives of this extremely unpleasant truth.
I very much hope that I can be forgiven. I can understand very well, if it not should be so.
with love.
Andreas Buttler

1 comment:

thetagal said...

So interesting. One can be total cause and still realize that others...each total cause also. The combined causes bring about the MEST condition. We are talking about knowing cause, not unknowing cause which also brings about conditions, but they are usually unwanted conditions--unwanted by other knowing or unknowing causes.

Put a name to this game and you will have clarity.

ML, Patricia Krenik