Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Spiritologie Schism

When Andreas Buttler told me in November 2013 that he no longer believed in Spiritologie etc. I listened carefully and acknowledged his ideas politely as any good auditor realizing the man is somewhat disturbed by having to give up his creation and admit he had been wrong.
My colleagues Claudia and Magdalena were in Austria at the time. I told them over the phone that Andreas had given up. After they arrived in Biere, Claudia suggested to Andreas to go in session and handle his reading charge. We offered sessions which he did not accept.
There were some discussions and it was decided from both sides that Andreas would return to Erwitte where he had lived before. We offered to temporarily rent a place for him and gave him some money so he could leave and physically get well again, given the fact he was ill.
An interesting synchronicity happened, which did steer later events in a certain direction. Luigi Kwas happened to phone in just the day when Andreas – who was upset after an argument - was leaving and didn’t want to talk to Luigi. Luigi interpreted this in his way and thought that we were withholding something as we in his perception were not willing to connect him through to Andreas.
We tried in vain to convince him otherwise. I must mention at this point that Luigi had been critical of our positions already for a longer period, but not always expressed.
Some time after Andreas left Luigi contacted him over Skype and Andreas reportedly stated that there was nothing wrong but that Caspar was upset with him due to interference of Claudia. This started the rumour that Claudia and Caspar were the one’s that had created a breach in the group by not accepting Andreas’ new insights.
I had written some private notes criticizing the Spiritologie book and shared these with Luigi, who in violation of our agreement passed these to Andreas. This led to an upset and as a result Andreas disconnected from us.
It was subsequently revealed that Luigi - who had obtained a high grade in Spiritologie and was therefore a trusted public representative - according to his later statement had never believed in the basic Spiritologie principle. Thus it was no surprise to him when Andreas recanted and gave up his core Spiritologie belief:
“All – and by that I mean as a matter of fact precisely that, namely all – what you perceive and experience is exactly that, which you out of yourself, through your own causal thinking create, and indeed exactly … now!”
Luigi had over the years been extremely critical of Andreas’ Scientology connection and believed and stated that the above principle only applied to the mind.
When Caspar and Claudia called a special briefing in early January 2014 to reveal what happened and announce the demise of Spiritologie as seen from the viewpoint of the founder, they were met with unexpected accusations.
Luigi apparently had already privately and prematurely briefed (third party) several of the group and thus some present at that meeting would accuse Caspar of been emotional and prejudiced against Andreas, which was far from the mark.
Luigi covertly kept telling other members of the group that there was nothing wrong and that we were the ones making trouble, not Andreas.
Eventually this dis-information spread in the group culminating in a schism where several of the Spiritologie group became disaffected with us.
Nothing we said or did could clear this up as we were not aware of Luigi’s counter-actions until much later.
It is remarkable that Andreas and Luigi went straight from pure spirituality to blatant denial of the celebrated mind over matter credo, which is the essence of the major spiritual traditions.
The Buddha for example declares in the opening lines of The Dhammapada, that "All phenomena are preceded by mind, made by mind, and ruled by mind".
Or Mary Baker Eddy in Christian Science stated: “All is mind”
Or Wolfgang Pauli, who knew:“Matter is derived from mind, not mind from matter.”
Or Sir Arthur Eddington who said: “Physics is the study of the structure of consciousness. The "stuff" of the world is mindstuff.”
Or Baba Muktananda:“You are the entire universe. You are in all, and all is in you. Sun, moon, and stars revolve within you."
Caspar de Nada

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